Accelerators for Society


Useful links

Useful links

Main sources and resources

Hamm_cover.jpg+ Industrial Accelerators and their Applications, by Robert W. Hamm and Marianne E. Hamm (R & M Technical Enterprises, California, USA), World Scientific, ISBN-13 978-981-4307-04-8

+ Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology,  World Scientific Publishing Company

+ Publications of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

+ 'Application' department, on Symmetry magazine

+ Benefits to Society, on

+ Applications of accelerators (pdf, 20 pages), by Oxford University Press (OUP)


Related brochures

cernbrochure.jpg particlephysicsmatter.jpg accandbeams.png accforamericasfuture.png

Particle physics, a key driver for innovation
11 pages, 2011

published by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)


Particle physics – it matters
16 pages, 2009

published by the Institute
of Physics (IOP) in partnership
with the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

Accelerators and Beams, tools
of discovery and innovation

30 pages, 2009-2010

published by the Division
of Physics and Beams of the American Physical Society (APS)

Accelerators for America’s Future
100 pages, 2010

published by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of High Energy Physics


Further links

+ [Deutsch, English, Français]
Brochures published by the Paul Scherrer Institute: Light For Research, Energy and Environment, Proton therapy, Materials for the Future, Neutrons for Research...

+ [English, Français, Türkçe]
Beacons of discovery, the worldwide science of particle physics, published by the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA)

+ [Italiano]
Asimmetrie, gli acceleratori (issue 6/4.08), published by INFN, 50 pages, 2008


See also


New light on Science – The social and economic impact of the Daresbury Synchrotron radiation source (1981-2008),
published by STFC
218 pages, 2010



Accelerating News is a quarterly online publication for the accelerator community. It showcases news and results from sponsored projects (EuCARD, EuCARD-2, TIARA, HiLumi LHC and EUROnu) as well as listing relevant events and linking to external articles of interest to the accelerator community.


 ‘AccAplic’ Work Package of the EuCARD2 EU funded project



#1 - : 25/02/2015
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